- My clock is running too fast or slow. (Pendulum with leaf or pendulum with adjustment nut)
- Move the leaf or adjustment nut on the pendulum up or down to increase or decrease the speed of the clock. In one 24 hour period, 1mm adjustment = 1 min on the leaf pendulum or 1 turn = 1min on the adjustment nut pendulum. (These are approximate calculations)
- If Fast: Move the leaf down the pendulum or move the nut anti-clockwise to slow it down the required amount of minutes and also adjust the minute hand back the amount of minutes it is fast by.
- If Slow: Move the leaf up the pendulum or move the nut clockwise to speed it up to the required amount of minutes and then adjust the minute hand forward the amount of minutes it is slow by.
For example:- If the clock is 5 mins fast, move leaf 5 mm down or move the nut 5 anti-clockwise turns and adjust the minute hand back by 5 mins.
- If the clock is 5 mins slow, move the leaf up 5mm or move the nut 5 clockwise turns and adjust the minute hand forward by 5 mins.
- Check the time again in 24 hours, and repeat the process until correct timing is achieved.
- I didn’t wind my clock up and now it has stopped:
- Pull the chains to bring the weights back up the top.
- Move the minute hand clockwise to set to the desired time.
- Refer to step 7 to set the time.
- My Cuckoo and time are out of sync: Make the cuckoo call by moving the minute hand to 12. Take note of how many times the cuckoo calls. Then move the hour hand to the corresponding hour. 5 cuckoos, move the hour hand to the 5. Then refer to step 7 to set time accordingly.
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